Wednesday, May 19, 2010

"A Burden For Small Churches"

This blog is directed towards all future Youth Leaders, Sunday School teachers, Assistant Pastors, music leaders, and church laymen.

Large churches are great and may God continue to bless them but they weren't always that big. The had to start small. That had to start with a few people with a burden, people who were driven by the word of God to spread the Gospel to a lost a dying world no matter the sacrifice they had to make.

There are horizons that our eyes and hearts need to be opened to. Horizons such as Home missions, foreign mission, and even small churches in general. These churches need people to work, to help them grow and thrive.

Someone desperately needs to acquire a burden for these churches so they won't be daunted by how much they won't be paid or how much harder it will be to become popular or well known. So they can see past all of this to the souls that need to be reached in those cities.

Those pastors are crying out for those who will accept that burden. I John 2:14 says "...I have written unto you, young man, because you are strong, and the word of God abideth in you, and ye have overcome the wicked one." Those pastors NEED young ministers and helpers with a fresh fire, a fresh passion and vision for outreach.

If you know anything about pastors, you know it's not a picnic. The strain it puts on a man emotionally, spiritually, and even physically takes it's toll eventually. They can't be Pastor, Assistant Pastor, Youth Leader, Youth Worker, Sunday School teacher, Sunday School Director, Secretary, whole church board, or sole bible study teacher and provider of the church funds. To do all this will wear so much emotionally and spiritually at a pastor that he will eventually feel like giving up on the work God called him to do.

Even though we know they can't be all these things at once, I still know precious men of God who are in this very situation. They don't know where the next bill money will come from or when the next person will pay tithes. No, they can't always buy Sunday School literature because there's not enough money. No, they can't take those children and young people on youth trips to Six Flags or Youth Congress because they don't have the time to plan fundraisers or take off from work to go or even the stamina to keep up with them from being worn down.

Their churches are the ones we should pay attention to, the ones we ought to help. Our Bible Colleges give us the knowledge and the training to be in places such as this, but are we there? Or are we trying to make it in a larger church where they already have people in the positions we are seeking?

Will someone seek for that burden? Will someone even consider it? Will someone finally want to ease the burden beloved men of God who work themselves to death for the kingdom of the Lord without help?

If you're already in a small church, please, i urge you to work harder to ease the burden of your pastor if you see him trying to take on responsibilities that he shouldn't be worried about. If you're in a large church and you are reading this, please take the time out of your day and at least pray for these churches. Hopefully someone will receive a burden for this work of God.

The harvest is ready. Will you heed the call?

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Don't Stay Down, Praise.

I've noticed that when I haven't used something in my purse for a while it ends up sinking to the bottom. This is a result of pulling everything out at different times and placing them back in, in no particular order.

This time, it was my Bible that got pushed to the bottom.

When I realized this I became ashamed. This meant that I haven't been paying attention to God's Word on my own time. This couldn't be! But nonetheless, it was.

This represents where I had pushed Jesus in my life. I had pushed Him underneath the junk, underneath the problems that at the time seemed so imminent.

The good thing is that I realized this before it was too late. God showed this to me so I can fix it. So I can do better.

Don't think because you mess up God can't forgive you. As I was praying about it I could hear that little voice whisper in my ear, "You messed up AGAIN. You told God you wouldn't. You lied. He won't forgive you this time. You've done it too many times." And for a second I almost believed that.

Then I remembered that no matter how unworthy I am, God is still worthy to be praised. So I began to praise the God who had brought me out time and time again because I also remembered that praise will pull you out of that rut you fell into. It will lift you out of your dilemma and focus you on the one who holds the world in His hands, the God who can fix your brokenness and cleanse you from your sins.

And once you have focused on Him He can finally work in your life because you have given your problems, issues, and sins to Him. Now He can fix it and work it out to His glory.

There is never a time where He can't fix it when you finally decide to give it to Him. And that's what I did. Now, I can praise Him for working in my life even though I can't see it yet.

It's amazing what can happen when you keep God number one in your life.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

"Approaching The Horizon"

After living with my mother for 20 years, I'll finally begin my journey as an individual in August.
Looming on the horizon is something that both mesmerizes and terrifies me.

My life will change.

I will no longer be in my comfort zone. No longer will anyone be responsible for my but myself.

Sounds like freedom, huh?.... Didn't anyone ever tell you freedom isn't free?

I will become responsible for every action I take and word that passes my lips. It will be my job to find the money for gas to get me from pont A to point B. I can't buy those shoes today....I've got bills to pay.

Coffee, clothes, books, gas.....It will all begin to add up until I start feeling overwhelmed, like I'm suffocating, like I just want to run away....

There will be no arms to hold me when I cry, no loving mother to help me straighten out the mess I made.

This.....this is the freedom I stand to gain. On my own, broke, and worn down. The world will sneer and laugh at out it's shiny and convenient things have taken over my life....

Luckily for me, it doesn't have to be that way.

Of course I'll have bills to pay and gas money to scrounge up, and there's always the fatigue from staying up to late too many nights in a row to study. BUT, to keep me from making the wrong choices to keep me from make decisions that will lead me down that oh so obvious path of destruction and depression everyone on their own usually ends up making, I have a secret weapon...

Yeah, you guessed it, God. Simple as that.

Not only is He God, He's my Father, Provider, Healer, Savior, and my Redeemer. As long as I have Him by my side I'll never be alone, unhappy, or without. I may not end up rich, married or on a constant emotional high, but I'll be satisfied in Jesus Christ.

Take that world.

So, even if it is six hours from home.....

Bring it on Bible College.