Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Let's Start Fresh

The Beginning. An end to a chapter and the start of a new.

For a while I tried writing blogs about things that happened in my life that upset me or angered me, but each time I tried, I never finished them. They never served a purpose, they were always selfish. But now my view has once again been altered to the good by God and now I will use this as a tool in my ministry. My blogs are meant to encourage and teach other fellow Youth Leaders (in training).

This is my new beginning, this is my new purpose. For now.

I don't get to travel often or speak at any services or conferences yet, but I can be heard through a marvelous thing called the internet. Since our generation is one of higher technology, perhaps my chances in reaching everyone are increased.

For now, I would just like to tell you all to not give up no matter how hard it seems to be right now. Just because we don't see God working doesn't mean He isn't.

Please join with me in praying for all the young ministers (male & female) around the world who sincerely want to make a difference.

Also, if you are one of these ministers I speak of, please link to me on Facebook or follow me on Twitter because I would love to connect with each of you so we can encourage and pray for one another on our journeys.